Assam Flowers provides professionally trained, well supervised with smart turnout decorator for the best design and decoration for Wedding Decoration, Event Decoration like Birthday Party, Anniversary, Inauguration etc. with Trending Design, Modern Design, Classic Design with our designing expert.
This is the age of the quality design, an era for excelling in Quality of services. Having tasted the joy of services in all walks of life, people are clamoring for more. That’s what we believe. A day which is so much important to someone's life, Everyone wants that day with a special visual design as well as heartly special. And we are here to make that day visualy special.
So we as a professional Wedding and event Planner and Desiner provide the quality services with a difference. Our round the clock supervisor irrespective of the circumstances and highly motivated team makes the job a quality and satifactory level.
We work with the cutting edge design with the required components like Ballons, Natural Flowers, Artificial Flowers, Clothes, Bamboo, Woods, Lights and also with the components that requires for any cultural/Traditional Design. With best color combinations and also as per clients requirement.
Assam Flowers is the No. 1 Wedding Planner and Decorator as well as Party Decorator in Guwahati.
The Assam Flowers assure all, the Work, Design and Satisfaction